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Rich Casement - Clean Break

From hospitality veteran to novice alcohol-free beer brewer.

A close up of a man's hand holding a can of Clean Break Progression Pale Ale on a wooden bar table next to an empty pint glass

Play Time:

62 Minutes

Podcast cover for Low No Drinker interview with Richard Casement from Clean Break Brewing

Listen/Watch on all major platforms (and most of the little ones too)

Quick quotes:

"Now I look back, and I think I just spent too much time in and around booze, and I just lost interest in it. I think it’s like anything in life: if you have too much of a good thing, you kind of end up, like, getting bored of it."

The conversation:

Have you ever pondered the actual currency of success in low/no brewing? Rich Casement, the man behind Clean Break Brewing, joins us to weave a narrative of transformation from hospitality veteran to novice brewer in the world of alcohol-free beer. His tale is not just about crafting exceptional brews sans alcohol; it's about the conscious choice to break free from societal norms and forge a path where passion and mental well-being converge.

This episode is a journey of revelation and evolution. We traverse Rich's decision to depart from a two-decade career in the spirits world, spurred by a poignant period of self-reflection in the midst of unemployment. As he candidly discusses his work with an NLP coach and his strides toward authenticity, it becomes clear that Clean Break Brewing isn't merely about the beer; it's a beacon for change in an industry rife with challenges to mental health and sobriety.

This episode is charged with inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and the sober-curious alike. We trace Clean Break's emergence from an award-winning pale ale to a symbol of balance and lifestyle. Rich outlines the hurdles of introducing a new product and the triumphs of community-building and his Running Dry initiative. This isn't just a podcast; it's an invitation to rethink our relationship with alcohol and an endorsement of the courage to live authentically. Join us as we share how Rich is not only finding his own JOMO but helping others discover theirs too.

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