There are a lot of articles out there telling you the whys and wherefores of drinking alcohol-free beverages, but the truth is, they're not for everyone–and maybe they're not for you?
Let's explore…

1) You're looking for an exact like-for-like replacement
Let's start at the beginning. One of the biggest hurdles to enjoying a life less intoxicated is finding drinks that you can enjoy in place of the full-strength ones you've come to know and love so well.
I'm going to be super honest with you here: alcohol-free and low-alcohol drinks do NOT taste like alcoholic drinks. And the sooner you can get your head around that, the better off you'll be. You can't remove 14% of the content of your favourite Argentinian Malbec and expect the resulting liquid to taste the same.
However, if you're insistent on having that exact same drinking experience that you've always had, then you're going to have to keep on drinking the exact same drinks that you always have.
Low/no drinks are only for those who are ready to embrace something different. To try a new way of drinking and appreciate the new taste and flavour combinations that this whole new way of drinking can present.
2) You don't have a personality
I know it sounds harsh, but is it true?
Our reliance on booze as a bit of 'Dutch courage' when entering social situations is all too embedded. Yes, it can be scary to go out those first few times without a few under your belt to ease you into the night, but it's really not the social elixir you think it to be, at least not after the first one or two. Anything after that and Dutch courage turns to cockiness in the moment and hangxiety in the morning.
Instead, relying on your own charm, wit, and intelligence can initially seem daunting, but there's a surge of self-confidence that swells within you as you realise, 'I can do this!' But if you're not ready to believe in yourself wholeheartedly and let your real personality shine, then perhaps you're not ready for low/no…
3) Fitting in with the in-crowd is important to you
Pardon my French here, but it takes pretty big cojones to decide to go against the grain and drink low/no as a way of life (or even just for an evening). You likely will be questioned, you may be judged, and if it's the first time, you'll almost certainly be cajoled into drinking 'their way'. And it takes a tough outer shell to be able to stick to your conviction and keep your low/no glass filled while everyone around you is doing tequila shots and bonding over version seven of the same story.
As low/no drinks become more popular and more mainstream, what constitutes the 'in-crowd' is changing, but if you can't ride that wave until it's more widespread or it no longer bothers you, then maybe this isn't right for you yet. But how long will it take until it is?
4) You refuse to keep an open mind
Drinking less isn't the answer to all of life's problems, but it's certainly not going to make any of them worse. Don't believe me? Well, then, maybe you're not ready for this yet!
The most successful sober curious, and mindful drinkers understand that reducing booze won't suddenly make all their dreams come true, but it will afford them the opportunity to go and make them happen. You'll be amazed at what you can achieve when you wake up with a clear head for several mornings in a row, but you've got to believe in the possibility of you, and be prepared to put the work in. Don't expect miracles overnight, and don't assume you'll have to 'go-sober' forever more; it's about exploring your options and opening yourself up to new opportunities.
5) You're price-sensitive to quality
Despite trying my best to inform the world, there are still a lot of people who don't understand why low/no drinks cost as much as full-strength ones when there's no alcohol in them. In short, alcohol does far more in a drink than just get you sozzled: it's a preservative, a flavour carrier, and so much more. Without alcohol, low/no brands have to spend a lot of time and money making their drinks meet your exacting standards.
On the flip side, there are a lot of complaints about the quality of low/no drinks and how some of them are just not up to scratch yet.
Well, my friend, you can't have it both ways.
If you want brands to continue to research and develop outstanding new flavours and innovative beverages for your enjoyment, then you're going to have to pay the price for their time, effort and production.
If your only measure of value is the quantity of alcohol by volume, and you insist on regarding the cheapest ingredient in your glass as the thing you pay the most for, then you may not be ready to explore the wonders of low/no with any real appreciation for the art.
And lastly (with not a hint of sarcasm, I promise)
6) They're triggering for you
While the studies show that some 90+% of people who drink low/no drinks still consume full-strength alcohol, that still leaves a large chunk of people for whom this is a sobriety journey. For some of those people, drinks that try to replicate full-strength drinking experiences can be a hair trigger too far in their attempt to distance themselves from past behaviour.
If that's you, then kudos to you for recognising the risk and making wiser choices.
For those drinkers, there are a lot of brands now that don't try to replicate alcohol. Brands that are trying to create something entirely unique that works as excellent adult beverages in their own right (think Botivo, Muri & Sylva). Or you could consider brands that lean more towards sophisticated adult soft drinks like (Muush, Dash & Punchy), or go functional and get nootropic and adaptogenic benefits without the booze, such as Kin, Sentia & Impossibrew.
Or you may just need to steer clear of them altogether, and that's ok too.
These drinks aren't for everyone, but they could be…
If you're looking for a little guidance to get you over those first hurdles to a life less intoxicated, then this free course is a great place to start.
