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Denise Hamilton-Mace
2 days ago4 min read
A little goes a long way
I never have more than a sip or two and usually, I find the taste almost instantly repellent - sorry alcohol, but I just don’t like you like

Denise Hamilton-Mace
2 days ago4 min read
Ep#56 FAQ: What does ABV mean? (and how does it impact low/no drinks?)
ABV is a pretty fundamental topic within low, no, and light alcohol categories because it is the basis for deciding what drinks...

Mash Gang
Jan 93 min read
Get Mashed Not Smashed: Mash Gang are Ending Boring Dry January's for All
Alcohol-free beer brand Mash Gang is hosting a funeral and wake for the boring month of January in Brighton, encouraging people to get...

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Jan 58 min read
The Ultimate Guide to Your First Dry January
So you’ve decided to join the 15.5 million people who are giving Dry January their all for 2025, but you’re not quite sure what you’re...

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Dec 27, 20247 min read
Teetotal or not teetotal? That is the question.
Do you have to stop drinking to be sober curious?

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Dec 19, 20244 min read
6 Reasons Not to Drink Low/No
There lots of articles out there telling you the whys and wherefores of drinking alcohol-free beverages, but the truth is, they're not...

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Dec 11, 20243 min read
Preaching to the Unconverted
At the risk of alienating some (many?), the sheer volume of anti-alcohol rhetoric was simply overwhelming.

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Jun 30, 20243 min read
Q&A: The Low/No-&-Light Drinker Personality Type Quiz
If you haven't taken the Low/No-&-Light Drinker Personality Type Quiz yet, this post should answer every question you have about it…

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Apr 27, 20241 min read
What’s your low/no drinking personality type?
Discover your low/no-drinking personality type with the first and only quiz of its kind.

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Jan 31, 20242 min read
What did you miss? Inside the dry Advent Calendar.
What was inside the 1st Official Dry Advent Calendar?

Kelly Mercer
Jan 21, 20244 min read
Becoming More Me: A coach's journey
Alcohol-free me began on 12th August '23 whilst on holiday in Spain of all places. I woke up with yet another hang-over and hazed memory...

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Jan 4, 20246 min read
Getting through Dry January
We're a few days in now, and if you're finding it more challenging than you expected, then give some of these tips a go:

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Dec 23, 20237 min read
The story of the 1st Dry Advent Calendar: The angels of Dry January
The Dry Advent Calendar could be the game-changer you need to finally help you succeed in your Dry January challenge. Whether you're...

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Dec 10, 20231 min read
Spoiler Alert: Inside the Dry Drinker & Wise Bartender Christmas Advent Boxes
Welcome to the Low No Drinker Magazine, Alcohol-Free Christmas Advent Calendar Boxes Unboxing!

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Dec 4, 20233 min read
What my 4-year-old taught me about sober curious birthdays
I remember when my birthday celebrations used to last 3-days as well. Well, I say remember, what I mean is I remember them in theory...

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Oct 11, 20233 min read
The advent of low/no Christmas
Whether you’re a Christmas fanatic or a grouchy Grinch Crimbo is coming and there’s nothing you can do to. We look at 3 AF advent calendars.

Duncan McLeod
Oct 7, 20237 min read
Getting over the Hurdles to a Successful Sober October
Here are some hurdles you may encounter and some advice to help you vault your way into a happier, healthier and more peaceful alcohol-free

Louisa Evans
Sep 28, 20236 min read
Can Hypnosis Stop me Drinking?
“Look into my eyes, not around the eyes... into the eyes...”
I hate to shatter the illusion but as a Hypnotherapist I have never uttered...

Denise Hamilton-Mace
Sep 1, 20237 min read
When two drinkers become one
How much weight do we bear when the choice has been made to live a life less intoxicated, but our partners don't see things the same way?

Andrew Mallinson
Aug 9, 20234 min read
Low/No is No Longer a Niche Category
Where once low and no was merely a consideration during Dry January in an effort to dilute the ravages associated with excessive festive...
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