The superstore has seen a rise in purchases of low-and-no drinks throughout the year and is preparing to see those numbers surge in the lead-up to Christmas, predicting their “biggest-ever demand”.

Tesco reported to The Mirror that “No and Low Beer has been the biggest winner this year with shoppers now buying in multi-pack sizes rather than single bottles or cans - the equivalent in litres of a 20% rise on 2023.”

While low/no wine was up over 10% (largely buoyed by a 70% surge in demand for Kyle’s Sparkling Rosé), and low/no spirits were up a whopping 20%
All of which, has led to the store increasing its low/no range offering by 30%
In these four weeks to Christmas, they are expecting a sizeable 15% rise in demand for low/no beverages, with Lucky Saint*, Heineken*, Peroni* and Athletic Brewing* leading the charge in beers.
And Whitley Neill Rhubarb and Ginger 0% gin*, Captain Morgan Alcohol-Free Rum* and its own-brand Pink Gin and Lemonade 0.5% running away in the spirits category.
